Switchfoot & Lifehouse - San Francisco 2017
It may be hard to believe, but back in my freshman year of high school, I started a rock band with some friends. I say this very loosely, since we never actually performed anywhere or wrote any music. Instead, Ron, one of my friends had suggested we do Switchfoot covers.
Needless to say that the band broke up, probably for the best. However, it was because of this short lived experience that I was turned to one of the most prevalent Christian bands to still be around. I first listened to "Meant to Be", then "Dare You to Move", and from then on, I began to go through whole albums. I was really into it. I looked forward to their next big release, and I would even use some of their music in my trailers for a lot of unreleased short films in high school.
I started faltering in my faith a bit, and it was a struggle I didn't really explore until college. When I was in community college I was joined my parish's young adult ministry, and, in short, I also was later introduced to Lifehouse's music as well. Actually, growing up with my cousins who were really into the Dawson's Creek era, it's sort of easy to have listened to a Lifehouse song and not knowing that it was them.
All of this led to my friend, last year asking me if I was interested in going with her and her friends to watch both of these bands in concert. I had no idea, that by going with them, we'd have the opportunity to watch them so close to the front of the stage, or that we'd even have the chance to meet with them in a VIP experience before the show even started. After meeting them, I can firmly say that these guys are so humble and sweet, that it is no wonder why they are both so enduring after all these years.
Since DSLRs were prohibited during the show, I resorted to just using my iPhone 7, which blew my mind as to how cool the pictures turned out. I also would like to give credit to whoever designed their stage lights as it made a big impact in how incredible the images turned out and captured this raw passion that filled their stage. Every chance to take a picture is an opportunity for me to learn, and I was happy to not only grow more, but to also experience a very powerful night of good music.