A Little About Me
I don't think I've ever written an about me since my MySpace days. Now that I mention it, I wish there was a way to just extract all the old pictures I have on there, even if Middle School Me is unsightly. I'm glad I got the memo that striped polos are a fashion faux pas.
Actually, if you think about it, writing a cover letter or a resume is sort of similar, and is the most professional an "about me" is going to get. Allow me to preface this website as a very visual version of this.
Wait. That's probably just what a portfolio is.
Still, to know me is to understand my creative process, which I intend to give more depth in many of the content that will be available. This is usually breaking down the circumstances I took a particular photoset, and then deconstructing why I chose to capture my images a certain way. For me, I enjoy understanding how directors or visual creators work and see the world, and I hope that whatever insight I am able to offer may be able to help you get a better sense of what I'm about and the work I do.
I make what I like to make. Simple as that. I believe the best way to understand your creative eye is to understand what you like to see. This goes for any form of art, really. Although people tend to be their biggest critic, one also has to make content that they want to see, and put out a voice they want others to hear.
With my photos, whether if its a personal or commissioned piece, I really want to emphasize the individual. Unlike film, where there is a luxury to have audio and moving images to convey a narrative, this flexibility is restricted to one impression, and it has to be impactful to evoke a response. Sometimes, it might not happen, which is alright. For others, it can speak to them. I like taking candid photos of my subjects, but even when working with modeled poses, you can still craft a message that is true to the person. I like diving into the inner mind or emotions of a person when I get to know someone, because I think it's revealing to how unique they are. With photos, this principle is the same.
“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.”
Eventually, I hope to keep building more on this site, so that potential clients can help me create the narrative that they want in their photos. I encourage those that know my work, to help me meet more people that I can collaborate with, because I believe in the boundless creativity with humanity. Feel free to contact me with the information on this website, and I hope to continue growing more as a photographer, and to challenge myself to take on different projects. I firmly believe that there are stories in life, waiting to be captured behind the lens, and I look forward to tell them with you all.